Do you want to give back to the London community and help keep our neighbourhoods clear of litter? Gather a group of friends or roommates and "adopt" a street near you! Your group can decide how frequently you want to clean up your adopted street. A flexible clean up schedule allows you to meet your other academic and time commitments.
Western Off-Campus Housing Service strongly supports students taking initiative to help keep their neighbourhood clean. We will gladly supply garbage bags and disposable gloves for you to pick-up before your clean-ups. To pick up free garbage bags and disposable gloves, please come to our office in Rm. 3C1, Ontario Hall. We are open weekdays from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Thank you for helping to keep London's neighbourhoods beautiful!
Lots of snow & no shovel? Western's Winter Houses are here to help!
Western students can borrow a shovel from the Western Winter House in your area. Winter Houses are operated by student volunteers living in the off-campus community.
Want to borrow a shovel?
Bring your Western student I.D. to your Winter House during daytime hours to sign out a shovel. You must return the shovel within 24 hours, as the shovel is University property. There will be a sign posted at the front of the house noting if a shovel is available or not.
Where are Winter Houses located?
Contact to find out if there is a Winter House in your area. You will need to include your rental accommodation address in the e-mail, so the closest Winter House address can be provided.
Tenant Responsibility
Unless noted otherwise in the lease, it is the tenant's responsibility to clear snow & ice if you do not share the driveway and/or walkway with other tenants from a separate rental unit or lease.
Questions about Winter Houses?
Contact Western's Off-Campus Advisors for more information or visit our web site.